About Poinscoin
Most IСО does not have real products during the crowdsale. They can change their vision and strategy. Poinscoin has real products and we must maintain our financing facilities so that our asset holders maximize production. So following a road map is very important for Poinscoin , because the interests of its founders are the same as those of others! They also have owners and benefit from highly successful operations.
The cryptocurrency trade is growing very rapidly and has spread to almost all parts of the world. The cryptocurrency exchange market is similar to the stock market and the currency market, where traders can trade shares of companies, commodities or fiat currencies. However, the stock market and currencies have many limitations, such as the duration of the negotiation, stock purchase regulations, investment rules, business strategy rules, intermediation rules and fraud, arbitration and the legal principles of each country. This is very difficult for ordinary people and third parties with high rates between merchants and markets.
The POINS platform is based on the blockchain technology that uses the Scrypt algorithm with high transaction speeds. Integrated Cryptocurrency System (POINS) "Three Platform One Coin". Complete trading platform (Poinsdex.com), Reliable payment platform (Poinspay.com) and Easy start incubation platform (Poinsku.com)
With previous experience, we have worked in successful ICO and now we are working as a team and creating business concepts that we call POINS. POINS (Cryptocurrency Integrated System) is the name we choose and considers it very representative of all the projects in which we will work.
Poinscoin Advantage
- COIN POINTS are digital assets that allow extraction by any person and anywhere. You can get CURRENCY POINTS without buying in the market if you position yourself as a miner.
- Holders of COIN POINTS have the advantage of obtaining various discounts on transaction fees and can even eliminate the transaction fees made through the POINS portfolio (Poinspay.com).
- Pein to Peer POINTS can be used to pay for anything related to crypto on the POINS platform. This can also be used to pay for products or services online that accept cryptography using the POINS portfolio add-on (Poinspay.com).
- The distribution of COIN POINTS is unique, so it will maintain price stability and also double the profits for ICO investors.
- Airdrop COIN POINTS to increase the enthusiasm of each project.
- CURRENCY POINTS can be exchanged with other cryptocurrencies and also with fiat.
- COIN POINTS will be used as a voting tool for each project to be implemented.
- Instant transaction of COIN POINTS using the POINS portfolio (Poinspay.com).
- Start-up incubator where your bright ideas can be realized with POINTS.
- IIN COIN POINTS are unique and offer investors multiple income potential. COIN POINTS obtained from ICO will be accounted for as temporary property of the company with the applicable terms and conditions.
POINS Wallet (POINSPAY) is a multi-currency wallet that can store various types of altcoins. Advanced features and world-class security are protected by the multiple signature technology of POINS portfolios for their customers.

How does Poinscoin work?
Our ecosystem is based on Blockchain technology and can solve current and future problems.
- Its ecosystem is based on Blockchain technology and can solve current and future problems.
- They build blockchain technology.
- Sole ico with 50% profit sharing, 30% additional coins and 15% commission per recommendation.
- Increase profits with a full commercial platform (POINSDEX.COM).
- Easy and economical e-commerce transactions with POINSPAY.COM that integrate many altcoins.
- Your start with POINSKU.COM
Currency currency
Poinscoin is a digital asset that is built using a decentralized system. Blockchain itself uses a Script algorithm to allow mining to differ from tokens that do not have their own blockchain. Coins POINS are created as a fair, transparent and reliable fundraising platform that can be used by
everyone in any part of the world.
Token information
ICO PIN token price 1 PIN = 0.001 ETH
ICO PIN token price 1 PIN = 0.001 ETH
- Phase 1 50%
- Phase 2 40%
- Phase 3 20%
Tokens sold 20,000,000
Investment information
Min. 0.5 investment ETH
receives ETH, BTC
distributed in 22% ICO
** Soft Seal of 3,000,000 PIN **
Hard Seal of 20,000,000 PIN
- Scrypt Algorithm Total
- supply 90,000,000
- ICO PIN 30,000,000
- Mining
- PIN 60,000,000 Reward PIN 50 PIN per
- Halfing Block 600,000 blocks
--- Road map ---
Q1 2018
Formation of a team.
Q2 2018
Making Concepts, Prototypes and Strategies.
P3 2018
POINTS Website.
Q4 2018
Start ICO. Web Wallet.
Windows wallet.
Linux wallet
** Q1 2019 **
Distribution (Instant & Plus).
Poins Trading Platform (Poinsdex.com) Alpha version (Internal Market).
Income from CURRENCY POINTS to the foreign market.
Coinmarketcap (CMC).
P2 2019
Poins Trading Platform (Poinsdex.com) Beta Version (Internal Market).
List of main currencies in the POINS of the commercial platform (Poinsdex.com).
Entry CURRENCY POINTS to the internal market.
Q3 2019
Poinspay.com alpha version
Registration of major currencies at Poinspay.com CURRENCY POINTS
registered at Poinspay.com
Q4 2019
Poinspay.com beta version with the addition of the
Alt Trading application for Android and iOS.
Q1 2020
Poinspay.com for Android and iOS.
P2 2020
Launch of shopping cart add-on (Serves as an electronic commerce payment solution for more than 20 integrated currencies).
The third quarter of 2020
integrates more than 50 alternative currencies in Poinsdex.com and Poinspay.com.
Q4 2020
Roadshows, Seminars, Workshops, Introduction Poins.
Q1 2021
Launch POINSku.com
T2 2021
Collect, analyze, review, POINTS of the audit proposals.
Q3 2021
Incubation of new projects.
Extensive Marketing and Maintenance Projects.

** Below are some useful links where you can find more information about poins.io **
Website: https://poins.io/
Technical report: https://poins.io/whitepaper/wp_poins_en.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/poinsadmin/
Twitter: https://twitter.com / PoinsIo
Telegram: https://t.me/poinscommunity
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/poins.io/
Author: Tejo_surty
Eth Address: 0xF9BC056454948A5D645c86708243A9C7d9578334
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