RWTS Real Solution to the Power Consumption Problems

Introducing to you a project that has come to revolutionize the energy sector, having gone through the challenges rocking our domestic energy consumption in today’s world, some group of experts with wealth of experiences in power sector came up with
project which when completed, will reduce domestic load consumption to about 3 times what the traditional way.
The traditional electrical system, Rather than creating approaches to sidestep the impact of this power on the voltage source, that is, on the "igniter", individuals began to make generators giving out an indistinguishable power from the heap.
From that minute, it turned out to be extremely beneficial to be power provider.
Presently the cost of power is controlled by the producer alongside oil items, gas, and coal. Presently you should comprehend why this bearing does not create and at the "high" level it is totally denied.
Everyone knows from elementary physics that, in order for a current to flow, voltage is necessary.
That’s the whole answer!
The "igniter" of an electron is voltage, and voltage creation is easy and cheap.
The voltage was given and the current flew through the load.
At the same time, as much current as required by the load, it is like feeding a certain amount of fuel into the cylinders of the engine.
Intensity of the source passing the essential gag makes attractive field of certain pressure that in its turn prompts on the auxiliary stifle.
Associated stack prompts control showing up on the auxiliary load. The heap does not expend the source control. The source control and the heap control are distinctive forces.
Attractive current made by stack control is in opposition to attractive current of the essential gag and prompts bringing down of its inductivity and correspondingly to bringing down reactance that in its divert builds control utilization from the source what's more, ascent of attractive strain to the full remuneration of counter moving attractive current.
Estimation of attractive acceptance current in transformer by clear run and with stack stays unaltered.
Aim of the project is development and spreading of new technology on effective energy use that enables shortening of consumption expenditure from 3 to 5 times.
How Real Watt Transformer Works
The work of REAL WATT TRANSFORMER is based on the principle of manipulating magnetic currents.
For the frequency of activity show of the RWT (REAL WATT TRANSFORMER) the power source is UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) planned for continuous power supply of PCs.
The UPS has a cover expelled, to make it obvious that no increments are utilized as a part of the plan.
An ammeter and a voltmeter are associated with the UPS battery to quantify the power utilization of the whole establishment.
RWT is fueled by UPS, which thusly is associated with a 220-volt heap of radiant lights with an aggregate intensity of 120 Watts.
The heap utilization is additionally estimated by ammeter and voltmeter.

The displayed gadget RWT is a trial test that will be enhanced and effectiveness coefficient will without a doubt be expanded.
ICO Details
The token sale is scheduled to start on July 2, 2018, Monday and successfully end on AUG 10, 2018, Friday.
Soft Cap: $200,000
Hard Cap: $1700000
Token: RWTS
ICO Price: $0.18 = 1RWTS
Project Protocol: ERC20 (Ethereum)
5% will be issued for the project support and promotions.
The current version of RWT is completely operational, however not tried for different loads and no outline for the buyer is readied.
In the specialized plan of the RWT gadget, it is conceivable to utilize instant electronic units existing available.
From 2019, will begin take a shot at the association of generation workshops. In the meantime, tests for the shopper will be tried. In the second 50% of 2019 generation will start.
Readiness of site interface with an individual bureau for RWTS token proprietors, where trade for the RWT gadget will occur.
The second quarter of 2018 – Creating of modern research laboratory, device designing with maximal possible coefficient of effectiveness and different power (approximately from 250 to 3000 Watt of switched load power).
The first quarter of 2019– Trial model testing for producing Organization and preparing of small adjusting shops in regions.
The second quarter of 2019 – Preparation of website for RWTS token exchange for devices Real Watt Transformer.
Thanks to our highly motivated team that put a special focus on Roadmap, we are proud to say that what we have achieved up to today has been supported through our own means.
So with them on the RWTS project wheel, you can be rest assured that your investment is in the right platform.

Able Team members
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ETH Address:0xF9BC056454948A5D645c86708243A9C7d9578334
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